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Ein Insektenbeet für jede Jahreszeit

Im Juni-Beet gibt es rund um die öfterblühende Kletterrose ’Dortmund' (1) ein emsiges Brummen und Schwirren. Aus den einfachen, leuchtend roten Blüten mit dem weißen Auge entwickeln sich schöne Hagebutten. Auf blaue Berg-Flockenblume (2) (Centaurea montana) und Katzenminze (3) (Nepeta x faassenii) fliegen die Insekten ebenfalls. Die Blütezeit der Akeleien, in unserem Beispiel die Sorte ’Rotstern' (4) (Aquilegia caerulea), geht nun zu Ende. Sie sind vor allem bei Hummeln sehr beliebt. In den Star

DIY Garden Yard Art

When growing your own lawn yard art, recycled and up cycled materials can be the right location to start. If you want a creative manner to show off your potted plant life or plant life, locate an old wooden chair. Paint it the use of bright colorations that compliment the flowers, and you-ve an eye catching potted plant display.

For a whimsical touch, drag out that vintage wood wagon that has been sitting within the garage collecting rust. You can add some paint if you definitely have to, but the true beauty lies in its vintage look. Find a gap in your lawn and add a number of the potted flowers you want to make sure all of us notices, and you-ve got an instantaneous exhibit for those beautiful flora you labored so hard on.

The exceptional part of recycled yard art is the capacity to create a unique space that is all your personal. If you want to create a theme based lawn, look around and locate matters that suit your theme. You can use sculptures of cats mixed with cattails for a feline inspired haven, or you could use vintage farm system for a down on the farm feel. Just area your decorations where you want and add flowers and shrubs round them to create thrilling focal pieces.

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